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2003-05-25 - 12:25 a.m.

After a trip to Fry�s to get another filter for our bedroom air cleaner, I came home, played with my I-Mac for a while, then went to church over at Immaculata. That was another source of culture shock. The church is from the 50s, in sort of a classical Italian style. Very stark, pristine, and elegant, not like the Disneyesque insanity of the Capilla del Rosario or the Sanctuario de Ocotlan, or the huge, Gothic bulk of the cathedral. The look of the white, upper middle-class congregation was kind of a stunner too, with nary a shawl, long braid, or worn plastic sandal in sight.

Bean and Danny came over. Danny�s got a sweet new 2003 VW which he got used because somebody defaulted on his payments and got the car re-possessed. Bean saw my pictures, and we barbecued on the balcony, drank beer, and played Illuminati. That was fun, although I do wish I could make some friends of my own.

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